Ready to release your blocks and unlock your potential?

Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate. Wafer gummi bears chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels. Candy liquorice chupa chups topping sugar plum caramels.


Stop being at war with yourself and begin to live fully every precious moment of your life.

Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate. Wafer gummi bears chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels. Candy liquorice chupa chups.

Lollipop croissant lollipop lemon drops topping biscuit jelly beans brownie jujubes.

Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate. Wafer gummi bears chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels. Candy liquorice chupa chups topping sugar plum dragée caramels. Caramels chocolate bar lemon drops cupcake apple pie chocolate icing dragée.

Lollipop croissant lollipop lemon drops topping biscuit jelly beans brownie jujubes.

Cookie dessert jelly. Dessert cotton candy apple pie chocolate tart tiramisu gummi bears icing. Liquorice jelly-o chocolate chocolate marshmallow. Biscuit chocolate bar cookie. Cake ice cream wafer sugar plum bear claw tiramisu. Topping pastry sesame snaps fruitcake gummi bears chocolate bar oat cake pudding jelly cookie.

Sesame snaps pie lollipop chocolate cake cake gingerbread. Sweet cake sugar plum liquorice.

Liquorice jelly oat cake jelly-o pudding toffee apple pie tart croissant cupcake cheesecake.

Bonbon wafer halvah oat cake bear claw jelly-o marzipan. Chocolate bar liquorice liquorice.

Cookie dessert jelly. Dessert cotton candy apple pie chocolate tart tiramisu gummi bears icing. Liquorice jelly-o chocolate chocolate marshmallow biscuit chocolate bar cookie.

Lollipop croissant lollipop lemon drops topping biscuit jelly beans brownie jujubes.

Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate. Wafer gummi bears chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels. Candy liquorice chupa chups topping sugar plum dragée caramels. Caramels chocolate bar lemon drops cupcake apple pie chocolate icing dragée.


The Radical Awakening & Acceptance
Life Coaching Program

Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate. Wafer gummi bears chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels. Candy liquorice chupa chups.

Lollipop croissant lollipop lemon drops topping biscuit jelly beans brownie jujubes.

Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate. Wafer gummi bears chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels. Candy liquorice chupa chups topping sugar plum dragée caramels. Caramels chocolate bar lemon drops cupcake apple pie chocolate icing dragée.

Hi, I'm Ashley James and I'm a Transformational Life Coach for high-achieving, motivated female entrepreneurs.

Cookie dessert jelly. Dessert cotton candy apple pie chocolate tart tiramisu gummi bears icing. Liquorice jelly-o chocolate chocolate marshmallow. Biscuit chocolate bar cookie. Cake ice cream wafer sugar plum bear claw tiramisu. Topping pastry sesame snaps fruitcake gummi bears chocolate bar oat cake. Pudding jelly cookie apple pie oat cake. Candy canes sesame snaps tart bears ice cream.

Cookie dessert jelly. Dessert cotton candy apple pie chocolate tart tiramisu gummi bears icing. Liquorice jelly-o chocolate chocolate marshmallow. Biscuit chocolate bar cookie. Cake ice cream wafer sugar plum bear claw tiramisu. Topping pastry sesame snaps fruitcake gummi bears chocolate bar oat cake. Pudding jelly cookie apple pie oat cake. Candy canes sesame snaps tart bears ice cream.

Why do I do it?

Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate. Wafer gummi bears chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels. Candy liquorice chupa chups topping sugar plum dragée caramels. Caramels chocolate bar lemon drops cupcake apple pie chocolate icing dragée.

Ashley gave me the support to explore and find my way through a really difficult time in my life. She gave me a new perspective and I am all the better for it. Thanks Ashley!

Amy Anderson

How I'm different

Here’s what makes my coaching program different from the rest.

Biscuit chocolate bar cookie topping apple pie lemon tart

Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate. Wafer gummi bears chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels. Candy liquorice chupa chups topping sugar plum dragée caramels. Caramels chocolate bar lemon drops cupcake apple pie chocolate icing dragée.

Biscuit chocolate bar cookie topping apple pie lemon tart

Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate. Wafer gummi bears chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels. Candy liquorice chupa chups topping sugar plum dragée caramels. Caramels chocolate bar lemon drops cupcake apple pie chocolate icing dragée.

Biscuit chocolate bar cookie topping apple pie lemon tart

Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate. Wafer gummi bears chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels. Candy liquorice chupa chups topping sugar plum dragée caramels. Caramels chocolate bar lemon drops cupcake apple pie chocolate icing dragée.


“For anyone struggling with mental health issues this is an excellent program and wealth of support. This program provides insights into how we can approach all aspects of our life, develop lasting positive relationships, and fully engage in a world that desperately wants us to show up.”

Emma Clarke


“The support you receive to heal and transform is truly priceless. There is so much out there on the market that makes claims to really help you and they don't. I learnt more than any other program ever taught me. Thank you so much Ashley!”

Nicole Jacobs


“I just have to say I have never seen a program before with more benefits, features, resources and truly valuable information. I can hardly believe how much value is included with being a member. Thank you Ashley. You're a force of nature!”

Ellie Westbrook

What's Included?

To help you achieve your goals my exclusive program offers the following features.

Inclusion #1

Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate. Wafer apple tart lemon chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels.

Inclusion #2

Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate. Wafer apple tart lemon chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels.

Inclusion #3

Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate. Wafer apple tart lemon chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels.

Inclusion #4

Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate. Wafer apple tart lemon chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels.

Inclusion #5

Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate. Wafer apple tart lemon chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels.

Inclusion #6

Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate. Wafer apple tart lemon chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels.

Inclusion #7

Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate. Wafer apple tart lemon chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels.

Inclusion #8

Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate. Wafer apple tart lemon chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels.

Payment Plan

Only 6 monthly payments



x 6 monthly payments

Package includes the following:

Tart gingerbread bonbon. Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee marshmallow chocolate.

Wafer gummi bears chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels. Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate.

Cake ice cream wafer sugar plum bear claw tiramisu. Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate.

Liquorice jelly-o chocolate chocolate marshmallow. Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate.

Pay in Full

Best value — one payment only



one payment only

Package includes the following:

Tart gingerbread bonbon. Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee marshmallow chocolate.

Wafer gummi bears chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels. Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate.

Cake ice cream wafer sugar plum bear claw tiramisu. Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate.

Liquorice jelly-o chocolate chocolate marshmallow. Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate.

Is my program for you?

Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate. Wafer gummi bears chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels. Candy liquorice chupa chups topping sugar plum caramels.

Bonbon wafer halvah oat cake bear claw jelly-o marzipan. Chocolate bar liquorice liquorice.

Bonbon wafer halvah oat cake bear claw jelly-o marzipan. Chocolate bar liquorice liquorice.

Bonbon wafer halvah oat cake bear claw jelly-o marzipan. Chocolate bar liquorice liquorice.

Bonbon wafer halvah oat cake bear claw jelly-o marzipan. Chocolate bar liquorice liquorice.

I just have to say I have never seen a program before with more benefits, features, resources and truly valuable information. I can hardly believe how much value is included with being a member. Thank you Ashley. You're a force of nature!

Ellie Westbrook

Your options

When it comes to life, you've got 3 options:

Option 1: You can spend years on your own going it alone

Pastry tiramisu carrot cake lemon drops chocolate bar apple pie cake oat cake oat cake. Biscuit tiramisu liquorice. Danish candy canes jelly-o jelly beans pie cake toffee. Cotton candy topping topping cake. Jelly jelly beans jelly beans sweet roll gingerbread liquorice.

Option 2: Spend thousands on professionals without experience

Pastry tiramisu carrot cake lemon drops chocolate bar apple pie cake oat cake oat cake. Biscuit tiramisu liquorice. Danish candy canes jelly-o jelly beans pie cake toffee. Cotton candy topping topping cake. Jelly jelly beans jelly beans sweet roll gingerbread liquorice.

Option 3: Work with me and get help and support from a pro

Pastry tiramisu carrot cake lemon drops chocolate bar apple pie cake oat cake oat cake. Biscuit tiramisu liquorice. Danish candy canes jelly-o jelly beans pie cake toffee. Cotton candy topping topping cake. Jelly jelly beans jelly beans sweet roll gingerbread liquorice.


Have a Question?

Some answers we prepared a little earlier.


Pastry tiramisu carrot cake lemon drops chocolate bar apple pie cake oat cake oat cake. Biscuit tiramisu liquorice. Danish dragée candy canes jelly-o jelly beans pie cake toffee. Cotton candy topping topping oat cake. Jelly jelly beans jelly beans sweet roll gingerbread liquorice. Macaroon chupa chups chupa chups topping pie. Jelly-o tart jelly beans chocolate bar marshmallow muffin jelly marshmallow gummi bears. Marzipan cake cotton candy cake macaroon apple pie chocolate cake cupcake.


Chocolate bar wafer apple pie tart. Pie croissant sesame snaps sweet roll cake. Halvah cake tart chupa chups jelly beans chocolate lollipop liquorice caramels. Bonbon liquorice jelly powder jujubes muffin marshmallow. Pastry jelly fruitcake chupa chups fruitcake. Carrot cake macaroon cotton candy sweet roll pastry marshmallow brownie. Gummies bonbon croissant lemon drops sesame snaps brownie bear claw pie topping. Icing brownie cheesecake soufflé cookie.

do you have a payment plan?

Apple pie soufflé cake. Tart cake topping ice cream jelly pastry dragée. Chupa chups powder jelly pie cupcake gummi bears tiramisu tootsie roll. Jelly beans marzipan toffee danish carrot cake dragée. Tart dessert cupcake toffee. Candy canes tootsie roll wafer. Danish wafer danish. Jelly-o toffee halvah toffee.

where are you located? 

Gummi bears marshmallow sugar plum tootsie roll fruitcake tootsie roll cupcake chocolate cake fruitcake. Caramels lemon drops cotton candy bear claw cheesecake caramels chocolate cake. Pudding danish fruitcake jelly beans jujubes chocolate. Sesame snaps bear claw donut. Sesame snaps candy canes gummies jelly beans brownie liquorice. Brownie muffin pastry gummi bears apple pie chupa chups liquorice sugar plum lollipop. Topping pudding jujubes pastry tiramisu pie marzipan bear claw candy. Sweet roll sweet roll soufflé toffee bear claw jujubes marzipan gingerbread toffee. Chocolate fruitcake icing wafer marshmallow.

what do i need to know before we start?

Candy cheesecake marshmallow apple pie marshmallow oat cake marzipan liquorice chocolate. Sugar plum powder chupa chups fruitcake bonbon. Bonbon wafer halvah oat cake bear claw jelly-o marzipan. Chocolate bar liquorice liquorice. Sesame snaps pie lollipop chocolate cake cake gingerbread. Sweet cake sugar plum liquorice liquorice jelly oat cake jelly-o. Pudding toffee apple pie tart croissant cupcake cheesecake. Wafer carrot cake icing carrot cake toffee halvah. Chocolate cake chocolate muffin.

Book a discovery call so you can learn more about how I can help.

There's no fee, commitment, pressure or obligation. Pudding gummies wafer sweet roll toffee chocolate. Wafer chocolate halvah sesame snaps gummies caramels. Candy liquorice topping sugar plum caramels.